aw-some day eating turkey

23 Sep

My good friend Corey Mosher put this page on my blog as he was setting it up. I was going to delete the photo and then thought I might as well tell the story behind scenes. This picture was taken about 15 years ago one weekend when we were having a snowmobile party at Camp Bonaventure. As part of the festivities, we deep fried a turkey and someone snapped this picture of me licking my lips and hanging on to the drumstick. Several years later on my 50th birthday, some as yet unnamed friends of mine took out a 1/3 page ad in the newspaper to tell the world that I was 50 and they used this picture as part of the ad. I’m 57 now and still no one has come forward and claimed responsibility for placing the ad. Someday I will find out and get my revenge.

Mike eatin’ turkey

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Posted by on September 23, 2012 in Uncategorized


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