
MIke’s Cook Book

25 Sep

MIke's Cook Book

Besides my love for chasing Atlantic Salmon, I really enjoy cooking. Several years ago I put together a collection of recipes from friends I believe are really good cooks. It was designed to have simple recipes that had been served many times and have had rave reviews. In addition to putting the recipes together, I also  for the most part, told a story about the person who gave me the recipe.The cover you are looking at in this photo is of the second printing of the cook book which has about 25 new recipes. The cover photo was taken by my daughter Heather ( and was taken in my kitchen at home several Thanksgivings ago.
I am always looking for new great recipes to try and eventually add to the cook book for the next edition. If you have one you would like me to try, please pass it along.

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Posted by on September 25, 2012 in Uncategorized


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